Friday, April 15, 2005

Little girls, little girls...

Ok, I've got a topic: Oprah

Her show today was really good. It was a continuation of the show featuring Jada Pinkett-Smith, Venus and Serena. I need to remind myself to go buy their books- if not for me, as a gift. We gotta share the knowledge, for the people perish otherwise.

Serving From the Hip by Venus & Serena Williams
Girls Hold Up the World by Jada Pinkett-Smith

The show dealt with talking to young girls & women about the stuff they're dealing with: peer pressure, sex, growing up, depression, destructive habits, esteem... you name it.

It was a very important show, because the gap is getting wider between adults and kids these days. Especially with girls. They are generally expected to be more mature than boys at the same ages. Studies have shown that girls are becoming more violent, closing the gap in this area where the genders are concerned. Communication is the key, and parents, busy working 7 jobs, aren't asking questions. Or, if they do ask, they take the first answer (Fine. Okay.) and leave it at that. We gotta dig.

It was pretty cool to watch portions of the Oprah interview with Maria Shriver. She, one of the wealthiest ladies around, does not let her kids have TV's in thier rooms. She says that if she did, everyone would be off in their corners and they wouldn't be together as much- she couldn't be nosy and know what's going on. Her kids don't get cell phones or telephones in their rooms. Shriver says that as a mother, she reserves the right to eavsdrop. I like that. I don't think parents need to mute the television or anything (that's blatant) but they should keep an ear out.

Back to girls. They are going through stuff but don't think that they have anyone to talk to about it. That's a problem because they keep it in and it boils, it causes them to isolate and internalize the issue, they think that they are the only one with those feelings, and it goes downhill from there. We gotta dig, ya'll. We gotta dig.

Check it out:
Genesis 8:22 While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.

As long as the world turns, seed time and harvest time will continue. That means if you don't take the time to plant and harvest the seed, someone will.

Mt 13:25 But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.

If if ain't you, who will it be?

And We're Done...

Ok, I think I'm done with the Tuesday night Idol Craze.

They voted Nadia off. She gone, she gone.
I had a feeling... I did. A premonition of sorts, but I was sad anyway. Yes, song choice did her in, but she had personality!

Anyway, I'm now lacking the desire to watch the judges interact. So, as in prior years, I'll just wait for the announcement. Side note: I recently listened to Fantasia's CD and it's pretty good.

Scott needs to get axed for a number of reasons- the top being that he can't sing. When Paula is sober, she'll agree (do you still wonder why she ran in that hit&run accident?).

I think Carrie will stay in for the long haul. Had Mario stuck, he would have won. Oh well.
The judges really need to be more consistent if it's gonna be fair. They don't judge everyone the same, they play to the crowd (otherwise they would let Simon finish his opinion). I suggest that the judges don't get to talk until after the results are in.

So, I'm in search of something else to talk about... I'll get back to you on that~
Sony, out.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Piste Huit (The 8th Clue)

Here we are again, America... We are down one more contestant. Kinda surprised that Nikko was the one that went home,

Songs from the year of birth... what would you have chosen?

01 Nadia (1977) - Slowed it down, wore the red dress (Roxanne... you don't have put on the red light). The song was iffy... she needs to really pull at the audience with these songs. Pretty smile, good voice, charisma- make 'em remember your name!

02 Bo (1975) - It was slow at the start, and I was thinking when is he going to start rocking. Then he started rocking, and I was thinking, maybe he should sing something slow. Randy liked it... Paula sparkled, literally... Simon is bent on sending everyone home tonight.

03 Anwar (1979) - Randy likes the tech. Paula is pleased by the tone. Simon is having a hard night. He got good remarks, so he'll likely be back to sing next week.

04 Anthony (1985) - Not bad. The judges liked it, so he's probably safe.

05 Vonzelle (1984) - She knows how to work the crowd. She sang it well (and higher than Denise Williams according to Paula).

06 Scott (1976) - Something about this cat rubs me wrong- like he's too cool to be real. The low parts were iffy, the chorus was good (the orig singers even liked it). Paula is really drawn to his sensitive side. NEway- much better over last week. He's likely to stick around.

07 Carrie (1983) - Now that's how you rock the house. A little bit country in the past... a little bit rock and roll in the present. I liked it. Simon probably wont.

08 Constantine (1975) - I think this is a good song - some slow, some fast.

So, who will be the bottom 3? I think the chaps who got the worst judges commetary will be... not that I agree, especially since they judge harder in the beginning: Nadia (I'm sad about that), Bo (whose on borrowed time since the musicals), Scott (cuz Simon wasn't moved).

Later all,

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Who's Your Idol? (9 to go)

We're down to nine,
One less than ten.
A little closer,
To who will win.

Here we go again.
We lost Jessica last week. A surprise, I think, but it goes to show that America wants an idol who will command attention. Let's see what they brought tonight.

Tonight's theme: Musicals... How do you solve a problem like Maria?
Hmm... like Beyonce at the Oscars? Let's not go there.

01 Scott - Live The Impossible Dream. Scottie wants to be a crooner, not an idol. Beam him up. Paula says extraodinary. Simon says ordinary. My shirt points to Simon and says "I'm with him."

02 Constantine - My Funny Valentine. Sing it like Chaka... d'oh. He doesn't know that version. Dang it, Paula's gonna be mush. Yep. Kinda hard to hear, but he did a good job twisting the rocker stylo again. Versatility. Nice.

03 Carrie - Hello, Young Lovers. First real challenge for the down home girl. Good ending. Wow, none of the Martina snuck into her voice at all. I still thinking that she's going to pull it out in the finals, but this song was less than captivating.

04 Vonzelle - People. Hard song. Loud to soft, high to low... tough night at the Improv. She did well, controlled it, hit it. Like I said, pipes.

05 Anthony - Climb Every Mountain. Yea, Mother Superior! I thought the theme tonight would be up Ant's alley, but it was kinda freaky. In the words from Edie on DH - "Let me like you." His song choices hurt. Paula is really pumping the band tonight. Guess she can't think of stuff for the singers.

As we go to commercial, just a word to the judges: You are crucifying these kids. Bad reviews cause people to get voted off. Choose your words carefully. I'm a little worried for Nadia... fingers crossed. Does STOMP count as a musical? Boy, I would be one tappin' and steppin' sista.

06 Nikko - One Hand, One Heart. There's something inside him trying to get out... I missed whatever Paula said (thankfully). The nasal sound makes the pitch sound off... He shoulda pulled a Mahogany on us.

07 Anwar - If Ever I Would Leave You. I keep thinking Terrance Trent D'arby when I see him. I like that they jazzed up the tune. That's how you do a cover- make it your own. One of the better ones tonight.

08 Bo - Corner Of The Sky. Should have used a bit more discretion picking the song... not horrid. Hey, aren't the House of Mouse movies musicals? This sounded like something from Aladdin. Dang it, what are they slipping in Paula's cup? Incoherency. We need something from Bo that proves his vocal ability. Maybe next week. Here's holding out for a hero.

09 Nadia - As Long As He Needs Me. That was really good, actually. Good performance, song was in key. I'd have to say a good song choice for her. Didn't send the show out with a bang, but it was still a strong showing. You can't tell her what she can and cannot do when she rocks (John Ruben shout out- it's one of my fav songs).

Top 2: Constantine, Vonzelle
Not so much: Anthony, Bo, Scott

We'll see who doesn't get a rose tomorrow. Oh, and Fantasia performs. "Fantasia! Fantasia!"
~Save the music, y'all. Save the music.~

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Message From the House

*These are my notes, and thus my interpretation of the message that was delivered. Do not take anything as direct quotage.

April 3, 2005
Follow the Leader - Bishop T.D. Jakes

Heb 13:7

There's always 2 questions we have when we get into a car: Where are we going? Are we there yet?

  • You could be there and not even know it: our expectations are not realistic so when we get there, we don't feel like we're there
  • Mentoring is important: Someone who has been there can help you know when you've made it. They know what it's like
  • Sometimes in the thick of it, you don't realize it, can't see it for what it is

Love is about submission (Bishop was asked to do a wedding, omitting the "obey" clause)

  • Heb 13:17 God says obey and submit yourselves
  • You can't cut out the parts of the Bible that you don't like

Someone has to lead and someone has to follow

  • We need someone to stand up and make an intelligent decision
  • Many think leaders are [divinely] superior, but that's not true. Pastor's come from the pews, and the pews come from the streets.

Leadership is not to say one person is better than another

  • It's about God establishing order
  • Ultimately, discipline causes children to feel loved.

By following their faith, you are following their passion.

  • When God gets ready to stir your faith, he puts passion in 'Moses' to lead you
  • Just because something is good doesn't mean that it is what God has purposed for you
  • The reason you're tired and weary is because you are toiling at something that is not purposed for you

Faith is about focus - focus on the divine thing that is purposed for you

  • More people in the church does not mean more power. These days, people come to church to advance their agendas
  • You don't pick a church for you to utilize your gifts. You need a church that feeds you - not one that you feed.
  • You don't go to a church that needs you.
  • The basic law of reciprocity will allow your gifts to be used: Feed what feeds you.
  • Woe unto the fool that does not feed the thing that feeds him.
  • Life is too short for you to stay in place where you are not being fed.

Ex 28:25-30 God's design of the priests garments

  • Meticulous description of how the priest was robed... is God a tailor?
  • No, it means that everything has a reason, purpose, and symbol
  • Urim and Thummim: 2 smooth rocks worn on the breastplate: Like a compass, these stones were used by Aaron to get direction from God when the Israelites reached a crossroads.
  • Urim and Thummim (Old Testament) = Faith (New Testament)

You cannot muster faith for things that are not yours

  • Faith comes from hearing what the spirit says is purposed for you

When a leader has a Urim and Thummim experience, you are supposed to get in line without bickering and questioning. Follow the faith of God.

  • Get ready to shift
  • Sometimes it takes someone from the outside to lead, because they aren't shaded by old expectations

Line up with the vision

  • God will strengthen your hands when he knows that he can use them in the kingdom

2 Kings 2:9-11 How can we follow you when the vision is going in so many directions?

  • An octapus has 8 tentacles going in 8 directions- find the one that you can support and get in line
  • You cannot contain an octapus to one leg if God has anointed him to more

Look at the total vision: get in the spot and occupy

  • "What are you holding down?"
  • The enemy is dividing you because you've never committed your resources to the house
  • I'm ready for a suddenly. I'm getting too old for a gradually.

Culturally, African-Americans are light years behind where we should be by now, because we have no unity behind a vision

  • And it ain't because of racism

Some people are still waitin on your ship to come in - you need to step when God says to step. Stop waiting for something to happen.

  • Faith = the evidence of something unseen

Why did Jesus call Peter a devil when he tried to stop the soldiers fro taking Jesus to be crucified?

  • He was trying to interfere with his purpose.
  • You cannot get to heaven unless I go... this profits you.
  • Whoever tries to stop your next turn in your enemy.
  • Untie the hands of the man of God.
  • "People don't write about the natural. They write about the super natural." And when they do, you need to tell them it's God.

2 Kings 2. Vs 10. - Nevertheless, if you see me taken up...

  • double portion came when he saw his mentor go up
  • "This is a double portion year!"

Paul says: It is no longer I that liveth (my agendas are gone)

People have to look in retrospect at leaders to see their greatness, because in the thrux of things, they seem weird.

  • Follow their faith because the faith they have didn't come from them

When you don't have the fly against the wind, you can go faster. Get behind and push.

  • You can't be jealous of a person that you're pushing.