Sunday, April 03, 2011

Bishop Jakes - The Power of a Paradigm Shift

From Evernote:

Bishop Jakes - The Power of a Paradigm Shift

1 Corinthians 11: 23-24

Truth that is based on past experiences are not truth. We think that our perception of things is all that there is.

On the boat, Jesus said come adn the paradigm shifted. Same boat, same Jesus. Once you step into another stream of consciousness, you can't walk up here and think back there. You can't have a boat member in an ocean church.

Once you jump- you can never go back.

You are on the verge of a shift. Everything is about to shift.

Normally, this is a communion text: all of our experience makes us see this as a communion text. The disciples were coming o have Passover. Commemorating he lamb that died do they could escape Pharoah. Everything was normal until Jesus took the bread and said, "This is my body."

In order to progress you must forsake. Let's not be too critical of people who are stuck on the boat of safe thinking.

Jesus shifts: the things that once were a rabbit are now a duck. The ocean has no explanations. A new word comes out: communion.

Some things that you tell people - they don't see it bc they haven't stepped into the shift yet. Spiritual things are not carnally discerned. You have to step into another dimension, even if you have to go by yourself.

"I'm going anyway."

God's about to bring something new out of something old.

The Passover shifted to Communion. This isn't about some ancient lamb. Heretofore you have seen my body as my body, but now I'm telling you that his bread is my body... The price you pay for waking with God: you have to be willing to look like a fool.

Things get rough in a shift. Things become difficult. People are shaken. A shift puts you in place of unfamiliarity. It makes you realize that the field is bigger than your corner.

The level and kind of change that a paradigm shift creates affects everything around it. The Jesus I know is holding up the Jesus I don't know, and saying, "This is me." I want to show you who I am now, but you keep wanting to pull me back.

Do not let others define you. Do not define who you are by where you came from. You define yourself based on past information. What informed you.

Who told you that you were naked?

Someone else will limit you and define you based on their perception of you. As you start thinking, you start stepping out of the boat into an ocean of possibilities.

It takes most of your life to figure out who you really are. God tells Abram (exalted father) that he is Abraham (father of many nations) and he has no child anywhere. God told this grown man that there was another man inside him.

Other people hinder our shifts. They want all or nothing. The reality is that we are in the middle of a shift. We are in the middle of becoming. Give me some one who can shift with me.

Rock with me. Roll with me. I'm in the middle of a shift.

Abram shifted. Jacob had to wrestle. God brings the prince out of him- he's going to have to fight for it. While you are still weak, jump up and say you're strong.

Let the dead bury the dead.

All that you perceive about the shift is informed by the past. The shift comes when God gives you information about your future that contradicts your past. Because I'm trying to get loosed from who I was so that I can become who I'm going to be.

As long as you walk on your old name... The past is comfortable and familiar.

Your future will make you uncomfortable. Trusting God will make you uncomfortable. God did not give you life so that you can live in yesterday.