Location: Away From Home

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Who's Your Idol? (9 to go)

We're down to nine,
One less than ten.
A little closer,
To who will win.

Here we go again.
We lost Jessica last week. A surprise, I think, but it goes to show that America wants an idol who will command attention. Let's see what they brought tonight.

Tonight's theme: Musicals... How do you solve a problem like Maria?
Hmm... like Beyonce at the Oscars? Let's not go there.

01 Scott - Live The Impossible Dream. Scottie wants to be a crooner, not an idol. Beam him up. Paula says extraodinary. Simon says ordinary. My shirt points to Simon and says "I'm with him."

02 Constantine - My Funny Valentine. Sing it like Chaka... d'oh. He doesn't know that version. Dang it, Paula's gonna be mush. Yep. Kinda hard to hear, but he did a good job twisting the rocker stylo again. Versatility. Nice.

03 Carrie - Hello, Young Lovers. First real challenge for the down home girl. Good ending. Wow, none of the Martina snuck into her voice at all. I still thinking that she's going to pull it out in the finals, but this song was less than captivating.

04 Vonzelle - People. Hard song. Loud to soft, high to low... tough night at the Improv. She did well, controlled it, hit it. Like I said, pipes.

05 Anthony - Climb Every Mountain. Yea, Mother Superior! I thought the theme tonight would be up Ant's alley, but it was kinda freaky. In the words from Edie on DH - "Let me like you." His song choices hurt. Paula is really pumping the band tonight. Guess she can't think of stuff for the singers.

As we go to commercial, just a word to the judges: You are crucifying these kids. Bad reviews cause people to get voted off. Choose your words carefully. I'm a little worried for Nadia... fingers crossed. Does STOMP count as a musical? Boy, I would be one tappin' and steppin' sista.

06 Nikko - One Hand, One Heart. There's something inside him trying to get out... I missed whatever Paula said (thankfully). The nasal sound makes the pitch sound off... He shoulda pulled a Mahogany on us.

07 Anwar - If Ever I Would Leave You. I keep thinking Terrance Trent D'arby when I see him. I like that they jazzed up the tune. That's how you do a cover- make it your own. One of the better ones tonight.

08 Bo - Corner Of The Sky. Should have used a bit more discretion picking the song... not horrid. Hey, aren't the House of Mouse movies musicals? This sounded like something from Aladdin. Dang it, what are they slipping in Paula's cup? Incoherency. We need something from Bo that proves his vocal ability. Maybe next week. Here's holding out for a hero.

09 Nadia - As Long As He Needs Me. That was really good, actually. Good performance, song was in key. I'd have to say a good song choice for her. Didn't send the show out with a bang, but it was still a strong showing. You can't tell her what she can and cannot do when she rocks (John Ruben shout out- it's one of my fav songs).

Top 2: Constantine, Vonzelle
Not so much: Anthony, Bo, Scott

We'll see who doesn't get a rose tomorrow. Oh, and Fantasia performs. "Fantasia! Fantasia!"
~Save the music, y'all. Save the music.~


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