Sunday, May 27, 2012

Evernote:Bishop Jakes - These Are They

From Evernote:

Bishop Jakes - These Are They

Mat 13:3-23

1. The first group everything you give them is stolen. Don't marry one of them. No matter how much you pour, it is stolen.

2. The second group were receptive, but they were rocky. They received it on an emotional level. Sown into rocky places, they grow for awhile, but have no root. no permanent change. You have no depth. Rocky place people are shallow. Enotions are no sign of real commitment. They wont stay anywhere long. You gotta have people around you who are rooted so that when the storm comes, they remain steadfast. When the sun came out, they dried up. Here for the pleasure, not for the pain. With you when things are good. Stand anyway. The moment the struggle comes, they leave.

This is a revelation of the kingdom. Not Without a Struggle. The struggle is how your roots are tested.

Having done all to stand, stand therefore.

"I admire you for your roots." Roots arent pretty, but without roots there would be no flower, no fruit.

You cannot make a rocky person be rooted.

3. The third group were sown amongst thorns and thistles. The plant began to grow, but the thorns and thistles (deceitfulness of riches and lust for other things) choked them out. Lust and deceit are the wonder twins of destruction. Riches lead you to making the mistake of worshipping stuff. The thing and not the creator.

The deceitfulness of stuff flourishes in the waters of lust. Be careful what you wish for- you may get it and find out it doesnt fufill. You cant seduce me in an area where I have no attraction.

You dont have the space that God requires because you have too much stuff. God blessed you with a car, now you have to stay home and wax it. The thorn and the thistles choked out the seed that was planted in your life. A seed is a tree is disguise. An orchard in disguise. The seed unveils the mystery of the fruit. You need patience. And a hoe and a rake to pull away anything that threatens the welfare of the seed. The seed gets choked because there is not room for the seed. God will do everything great in your life through seeds. He'll hide it in a seed to make sure your motives are right.

If you can get excited about a thing in its seed form, i will gradually reveal the promise. "I've never seen a person who is greatly successful who could not withstand delayed gratification."

It's in the seed.

But also, good ground. It's only a matter of time before a harvest breaks out.

The kingdom is coming. The harvest is coming.

4. Footnotes for the fourth group. You will bring forth fruit, but it will not be proportionate. You will produce on your level. Don't be jealous. The seed will produce on the capacity of the bearer to harvest the seed.

No environment could change the integrity of the seed. It attacks the productivity. No weapon will prosper. Doesn't mean it will not hurt you. Just that it will not change the promise.

God is not fair- he is just.

To him that have not, I will take away that that he seemeth to have. To he that hath, I will add. God invests in profitable people.

If you can prosper in a prison, you can prosper in a palace. People jump all over their seed trying to be seen and discovered. Do not forfeit the seed.

Spawning: The seed of the word will go across the egg of your faith- conception begins. Word and faith. If there is no faith, the seed will not take.

Some thirty, some sixty, and some a hundred-fold.


At 7:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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