Sunday, October 02, 2011

Bishop Jakes - Giants Are Always At the Gate

From Evernote:

Bishop Jakes - Giants Are Always At the Gate

(KJV) 1 Samuel 17:12-27 Now David [was] the son of that Ephrathite of Bethlehemjudah, whose name [was] Jesse; and he had eight sons: and the man went among men [for] an old man in the days of Saul. 



When you see the giant, it means you are about to move into a new dimension. 

David has no business in this story other than God has anointed him. Out of his element. 

But God. 

Don't miss the thing that leads to the thing that god has for you. Don't skip the process. Despise not the blessing of small beginnings. "Eating your dinner in the morning." Shut your mouth. Where you are right now is not your destination, it's just a test. Part of the process. Start where the opportunity is. You are in a position of transition. God is about to take you somewhere. 

The process is preparation. You cannot accomplish it mumuring and groaning. Know you not that he is God. Get happy while you're still at the gate. 

David was led by a sandwich. God will put you in the position that will lead to the next thing. 

You must be able to interact with people who are beyond you. David is there with the best of the best. They were afraid of Goliath. David- the least of them- saw it differently from them. How you see the situation will determine how you deal with the situation. If you have faith for it, you have permission. 

It doesn't matter how it starts it's how it finishes. "Handle it!"

Everything in your past, God's going to use it in your future. "All things work together for the good of those who lobe the Lord."

The clued to your destiny is in your history. 

He brought you an unorthodox way. A different background an a different style of fighting. 

1. He will make you rich

2. He will change your position

3. Your family will also reap in wealth. 

The reward was not in fightig Goliath; the reward was in defeating Goliath. When you sustain and survive, you will see that Goliath is not an obstacle, he is an opportunity. 

It wasn't David's Goliath, it wa saul's Goliath. You must firstbe faithful to that which pertains to another man. As long as you only work for you, then you have to reward yourself. But if you can work for another, the reward can be greater than you. 

God can't bless you if he can't trust you. 

Goliath stands at the gate. This is the situation that transforms David and positions him to be king. You don't deserve tour destiny until you defeat Goliath. Goliath is always at the gate. 

The gate to the opportunity. A spiritual gate. When you're trying to find your next gate, look for Goliath. 

The place where you have the greatest opposition is the place where you will have the greatest opportunity. He giant is just the road marker. It's not about the giant, it about the timing. You will defeat it- using substandard equipment- what you have is all you need. Kill that thing, and talk about it later. 

Whatever is standing between you and Gid- kill that thing now. 

David stunned Goliath with the sling and rock. He killed him with the giant's own sword. 

The very thing that the enemy was going to use on you is the very thing that God will let you use on your enemy. Your provision is in your problem. You have to use what you've got. 

The children of Israel arrived at the Promised Land, they reported that there were giants in the land. 

If you see the giant, ou are at the gate. 

"Lift up your head, all ye gates..." 



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