Sunday, February 20, 2011

Bishop Jakes- Surviving is Not Enough

From Evernote:

Bishop Jakes- Surviving is Not Enough

(KJV) John 5:1-13

(KJV) John 5:6 When Jesus saw him lie, and knew that he had been now a long time [in that case], he saith unto him, <b>Wilt thou be made whole?</b>

5 porches
Not dead enuf to be in the cemetery. They enjoyed the fact that they had survived. The fact that you are still alive in some contexts is worth celebrating.

There was a pathology around this pool. Make the best if a bad situation. Settling for still being here. Some of the torture of the pool is the commerce around it.
Down becomes normal. When people see something beyond them, it makes them dare to want it.
Stuck in a state of survival.

The blind had a porch. The lame had a porch.
If you want to know what porch you're on, look in your cell phone. You cannot surround yourself with blindness and expect to see. What is the name of your porch.

We have hangouts for what we do. We still have porches.
They are survivors- they aren't dead ... But is surviving what Jesus wanted you to have or did he come that you may live life abundantly. Deliver me from people who don't want anything.

You cannot be casual when you are in a state of crisis. Exceptional desire gets exceptional results.

Jesus comes down in a place where the culture is against change.
The Answer asked a question: do you want to be made whole?
When he saw him lie there... When he saw his behavior. Nothing in your actions let's me know that you want to get up. You mean that you have a bed in this mess!
I don't want to disturb you if you like where you are...
If survival is all you want- stop praying.

Wilt thou be made whole?
Because you and I will have to be in agreement. People curse their deliverance bc they are hell bent on staying in their bed.
What's wrong with you that better don't look good? Have you developed an addiction to your affliction.
God says, I don't wanna take you where you don't want to go. Do you want change or do you want him to make convenient your porch?
Anytime you justify your condition, you have given it license to stay.
And when i was getting up, somebody got in my way. Do you want it enough to get in somebody's way?
You may go slow- but you're coming.
You can't wait until you see the angel to get in the water. Jump now!
Survival is not enough.

When Jesus came, it was not the right time or season, but he said I'm gonna bless you anyhow.
Wrong season. No angel. Broken man. No water.  Jesus said, not going to dip. The way I'm going to give it to you will not be traditional.
Defies anything you have seen before. The wait is over. Move you out of wait mode. Survival mode. Decorating your porch mode.
He didn't sprinkle the man with oil. He challenged him. Stop living where you're not challenged.
Sometimes your strength is in your struggle.

You need to get up so that the thing that was once carrying you, you now carry it.


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