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Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Idol On, America

I hardly ever watch this show. The best part are the auditions, but those are over. I'm never home so I have to tape it and watch it later. Every other show worth watching is on hiatus right now, so this is my one hour of TV for Tuesdays.

I didn't see any of the show last season. I was moving on the night of the finals, and happened to be outside loading the truck when I hear screams from by neighbor's: "Fantasia! Fantasia!" She had just won... it was pretty funny.

So we are down to the Top 10, people. Who's it gonna be?

Let's talk about last night's show, shall we?
00- Seacrest's and Simon's antics are weird. Quit it and get on with the show already.

01 Bo - In the words of Randy... it was aiight. Every now and then, I'd like to see something nice... and easy. But he don't ever do nothing nice... and easy...

02 Jessica - She's got good vocals. I would like to her up her showmanship, though. Kinda boring. Leanne's got some great songs, but this one didn't call out to me.

03 Anwar - Didn't pull me. I think he needs to try a little Stevie. Paula was once again reduced to mush. Sometimes I have to fast forward through her comments. I think the contestants wish they could do the same. This performance was okay. His voice is a little pitchy.

04 Nadia - I like Nadia. Rock Soul Christian. That says it all. She's unique and has a strong low voice. Tremendous improvement over last week, even though I liked the mohawk. I don't think she has the range to be queened AI, but I hope someone out there notices and gives her a job. Request: Sweet Dreams or something by Tina.

05 Constantine - I love this song. I like that he changed up his stylo and showed some versatility. He did pretty well sitting down, which is something all the players need to avoid.

06 Nikko - Can we talk? Tevin was the bomb back in the day... what ever happened to him... off topic. The start was rough, got better at the end. I can't figure out what this cat is trying to do. Old school, new school? Nyeh.

07 Anthony - Probably the next to go. He's having a hard time figuring out who he is on this show. Neither Clay nor hip... talk amongst yourselves. I liked when he did Wynona.

08 Carrie - Here, lads and laddies, is your next AI. This girl can sang. If I voted, this would be my choice.

09 Scott - He looks like he's in pain. What you've got to ask yourself is do you feel lucky. Well, do ya? (think Clint Eastwood) The song was aiight, nice... but he's just not excitin'. Ruben he's not.

10 Vonzelle - Normally I would tell amatures to stay away from the masters... and Whitney, current issues aside, is one of the originals. BUT I have to hand it to the girl, V did an excellent job with this song. She's done the best job of flipping her style and showing that she can do it all... and she's got pipes. Give the drummer some!

Tonight, someone gets voted off the island. Who will it be? * Please say it's Seacrest...

'Till then, America. Im out.


At 3:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, well... Jessica was the one that got voted down. Too bad.


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